Delve into the vital, yet often overlooked, additional benefits included within your Driver website.

From ensuring broad compatibility and secure connections to providing essential analytics and user-friendly guides, these additional components are designed to optimize your website’s performance and accessibility. Explore how each feature contributes to creating a seamless and engaging online presence.

Browser Compatibility

Driver browser compatibility applies to the current release and 1 immediate version prior of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge browsers, as well as Android and iOS operating systems.

Note: ‘Current release’ refers to the browser or OS version at the start of User Acceptance Testing.

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CMS usage instructions

To assist ensure the Driver website CMS is easy for you to manage, we’ve created a comprehensive series of Loom style instructional videos for all content maintenance aspects in the website CMS.

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301 Redirects

To combat the potential loss of existing search engine listings, we’ll set up 301 redirects for the existing main web pages that may have new URL’s within the new Driver website structure.

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Mailing list subscription integration

The mailing subscription form (email address only) will dynamically connect to the your MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, ActiveCampaign or GetResponse account (which will store the user’s email address).

If you have no existing account, we’ll set up a MailChimp account for you (free subscription level).

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Google Analytics

Google Analytics s integrated into the website allowing standard Google Analytics statistical results to be recorded.

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SSL Certificate

Driver websites include a SSL Certificate sourced from – a free, auto-renewed service.

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WCAG Accessibility features

Driver websites are crafted with a mindful approach to accessibility, targeting many WCAG 2.0 Level AA criteria. However, factors like brand guidelines and efficiency constraints may influence complete compliance.

While we prioritize various accessibility standards, full compliance isn’t guaranteed. For a higher accessibility level, Avenue is ready to assess your needs and offer a tailored quotation.

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Are you ready to transform your digital presence?

Creating a website is more than design; it’s strategy enabling effective storytelling to drive growth. With the Driver web platform, you’re not just getting a website, you’re investing in a future-proof online business strategy.

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Why Driver?

More benefits that you can throw a stick at! Driver is the website platform that’s all about strategically turbocharging your business growth!

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Driver is a high-performing web solution that’s highly focused yet flexible, secure, scalable & loaded with strategic extras to drive leads, engage & convert more business.

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