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The Flexible Content Page website template is your one-stop solution for virtually all your internal webpage requirements.

Designed with adaptability at its core, this dynamic template seamlessly accommodates a plethora of content needs. With nearly twenty customizable content presentation modules, it empowers you to uniquely craft and recraft every page, eliminating the hassle of juggling multiple templates.

The Flexible Content Page template – versatility at its best, ensuring your content always hits the mark, all with just one masterful template – consists of the following components:

  1. Hero Header strip
  2. Full set of Text Styles
  3. Bulleted & Numbered Lists
  4. Photographic Image Carousel module
  5. Photographic Image module
  6. Video embed module
  7. Feature Content Cards module
  8. Call to Action β€˜50/50’ strip module
  9. Client/Supplier/Certification logos module
  10. Testimonial module
  11. FAQ content module
  12. Table module
  13. Social Media content embed
  14. Google Map embed module
  15. Rich media embed module
  16. Functional embed module
  17. Feature button display (with hyperlink option)
  18. Footnote display
  19. Related Content cards



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Hero header strip

Boost your online engagement effortlessly. Integrate an eye-catching Page Title that not only seizes attention but also crystalizes your message. Pair it with a breathtaking custom hero image to vividly represent your brand and articulate the essence of your content.

Component details:

Customizable, SEO Friendly & Marketing focused Page Titles
  • Within the CMS, users can simultaneously craft both custom display page and SEO titles, aligning them with both brand and marketing strategies, as well as SEO requirements.
  • This feature enhances flexibility by supporting the creation of marketing-centric page titles while also enabling SEO-optimized titles to improve organic rankings.
  • Note: Take advantage of even greater customization with the ability to tailor navigation titles within the CMS, extending your control over your site’s presentation.
Custom hero Video or Image
  • In the CMS, you have the option to display a custom video or hero image allowing for a personalized and engaging visual experience.
Dynamic Breadcrumb
  • The breadcrumb trail is automatically positioned below the page title.



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Full set of Text Styles

The template features a comprehensive range of heading styles (from H1 through H6) and specialized options like block quotes, ensuring every piece of your content shines with clarity and visual appeal.

Component details:

Heading Styles
  • H1: Ideal for main titles and primary focus.
  • H2: Great for major section headings.
  • H3: Suitable for subsections or tertiary focus.
  • H4: Perfect for detailing under each subsection.
  • H5: Use for specialized sub-details or qualifiers.
  • H6: Best for very specific, niche information or footnotes.
Additional Styling Options
  • Block Quote: Emphasize notable quotes or testimonials.
  • Stylization: Bold, Italics, Hyperlink, Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript and Highlight styles.
  • Intro text style: Allowing you to add extra emphasis to key introduction content on pages.



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Bulleted & Numbered Lists

Enhance your content’s clarity with via featuring intuitive bulleted lists for easy-at-a-glance highlights, and numbered lists to convey sequenced steps or ranked items, all tailored for optimal reader engagement.

Component details:

Bulleted Lists
  • Purpose: Highlight items without prioritizing order.
  • Use-case: Summarizing features, showcasing benefits, or listing items.
  • Visual Appeal: Creates a clear, easy-to-scan structure.
Numbered Lists
  • Purpose: Enumerate items with a specific sequence or priority.
  • Use-case: Step-by-step instructions, ranking items, or listing in order of importance.
  • Visual Appeal: Offers organized clarity and indicates sequence or importance.



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Photographic Image Carousel module

Introduce a dynamic visual narrative to your content with the Photographic Image Carousel module. Seamlessly compile multiple images into a singular, standard width interactive block, granting users the ability to scroll, explore, and immerse themselves in your story, all while preserving a clean and concise page layout.

Component details:

Carousel features
  • Perfect for showcasing product galleries, event photos, portfolios, or any collection of related images.
  • Editable within the CMS, it combines multiple photographic image visuals into one concise image block (standard image width), enhancing page aesthetics and reducing clutter.
  • Includes caption text option for each image within the gallery.
  • Users can actively scroll through and engage with images via LHS and RHS buttons with arrow icons.



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Photographic Image module

Full-width screen image

Standard-width screen image

Capture your audience’s attention instantly with the Photographic Image Module. Whether you’re aiming for a bold, full-width display or a balanced, standard-sized visual, this module ensures your image stands out, enriching your content and enhancing user engagement.

Component details:

Full Width configuration
  • Extends across the entire screen for a bold statement.
    • Editable within the CMS, it includes caption text option.
Standard Screen Width configuration
  • Centrally aligned, offers balance and is ideal for general content integration.
    • Editable within the CMS, it includes caption text option.



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Video embed module

Embedded Video with β€œCover” display image

Embedded Video during Playback

Draw in your audience with compelling video using the embedded Video module, which effortlessly integrates with YouTube or Vimeo platforms.

Personalize the β€˜Cover’ display image directly via image upload in the CMS. This feature provides a customized and engaging visual experience that deeply connects with your audience.

Component details:

  • YouTube or Vimeo video embed
  • Custom video β€œCover” display image
  • Standard screen width display



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Feature Content Cards module

Showcase and promote key content with dynamic, interactive cards that seamlessly guide users to your most valued content, be it hosted on your platform or external sources.

Through the Feature Content Cards Module, turn the spotlight on what matters most, driving user focus and engagement with tailored, accessible, and compelling card presentations.

Component details:

Headline copy
  • Text within this element is editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving it blank will automatically prevent it from being displayed on the page.
  • Card content options include:
    • Image
    • Title
    • Description
    • Hyperlink to either internal or external web page
  • All card content elements are editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving any one of them blank will automatically prevent that specific component from being displayed on the site. Accordingly, the card strip provides enormous content presentation flexibility to best meet your needs.
  • The ability to add multiple rows of cards also exists.
  • The cards are displayed in rows of three on a desktop screen width, with additional rows automatically added based on the number of cards created, and will stack responsively on smaller screens.
  • On mobile screens, the cards scroll horizontally to conserve space.



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Call to Action β€˜50/50’ strip module

The versatile Call to Action ’50/50β€² strip is more than just a content feature; it’s designed for strong engagement that drives action.

With options for incorporating a featured video or photographic image and carefully crafted text sections, it empowers you to create highly visual and impactful content presentations. You can tailor it for your specific needs, knowing that each element is easily editable to ensure the perfect fit for your audience.

Component details:

  • Card content options include:
    • Video
    • Image
    • Eyebrow text
    • Title
    • Description
    • CTA button with hyperlink to either internal or external web page
  • All card content elements are editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving any one of them blank will automatically prevent that specific component from being displayed on the site. Accordingly, the card strip provides enormous content presentation flexibility to best meet your needs.
  • The ability to position the video or photographic image on either the LHS or RHS exists.



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Client/Supplier/Certification logos module

Highlight your clients and/or professional affiliations with the Client/Supplier/Certification logos strip, a feature that offers a streamlined way to display key logos to communicate social proof.

All logo images within this element are easily editable within the CMS, and the design accommodates multiple rows that automatically stack in a responsive manner. It’s a sleek and efficient method to showcase your partnerships and credentials, enhancing your credibility with your audience.

Component details:

  • Feature heading text strip.
  • Ability to add multiple rows of logos.
  • Option to hyperlink each individual logo to either an internal or external web page.



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Testimonial module

Showcase the voices of satisfied customers or stakeholders with the adaptable Testimonial strip, a feature that lets you add images, testimonial text, and author titles, all easily editable within the CMS.

With options to include multiple testimonials in a carousel format and hyperlinks to handpicked internal web pages, this tool offers an engaging way to share positive feedback and connect with your audience.

Component details:

  • Content options include:
    • Image
    • Testimonial text
    • Author title
  • Ability to hyperlink to an internal web page.
  • All content elements are editable within the WordPress CMS.
  • The ability to add multiple content items within a carousel format exists.



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FAQ/Accordion content module

Facilitate a smooth user experience by creating an unlimited number of FAQs presented in an intuitive accordion style.

The accordion design ensures a clean page layout, expanding only when a user chooses to view a specific FAQ, thereby optimizing readability and user engagement.

Component details:

FAQ item title
  • CMS editable, clearly pose common questions or topics.
Description field
  • CMS editable, offer detailed answers or explanations.
  • Apply diverse text styling for emphasis and clarity.
  • Incorporate images to enhance understanding or provide visual context.
  • Insert hyperlinks for additional resources or related content.



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Table module

Elevate data representation through a structured and visually appealing layout.

It allows you to elevate tabulated data representation through a structured and visually appealing layout, with all of the text editable in the CMS.

Component details:

Table Header strip
  • Features customizable text to define and highlight column titles.
Feature LHS strip
  • Utilized to emphasize specific data categories or types, aiding in quick identification.
Customization options
  • Introduce an unlimited number of columns and rows, ensuring comprehensive data representation.
Enhanced readability
  • Alternating colored rows break monotony, aid in distinguishing separate data points, and improve overall user experience.
  • For mobile views, horizontal scrolling ensures every piece of data is accessible without compromising readability, further enhancing the user experience.



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Social Media content embed




Twitter / X

Seamlessly merge the vibrant world of social media with your content, fostering deeper engagement and interactivity.

With this feature, you can bridge the gap between your content and the ever-evolving social media landscape, crafting a holistic digital experience for your audience that drives awareness to your social accounts and makes the most of your social media content.

Component details:

Diverse platform integration
  • Effortlessly embed posts from major social channels:
    • LinkedIn
    • Instagram
    • Facebook
    • Twitter / X
Authentic presentation
  • Embeds retain the original look and feel of the respective social media platform, preserving the authenticity of each post.
Interactive experience
  • Keep users engaged with dynamic, real-time content directly from your social feeds, enhancing authenticity and relevancy.



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Google Map embed module

Seamlessly integrate real-world contexts into your digital space, offering users an interactive geographical perspective.

With the Driver Google Map Embed Module, you can transform static location information into a dynamic visual exploration, enriching user understanding and engagement.

Component details:

Direct integration
  • Effortlessly incorporate Google Maps into your content, ensuring users access accurate and up-to-date map data.
Interactive navigation
  • Allow users to pan, zoom, and explore the embedded map, enhancing their on-site experience and providing detailed location insights.
Customizable views
  • Users can choose between two map types; Street Map and Satellite, to cater for different content presentation preferences.
Place markers
  • If set up directly in Google Maps prior to embedding, you can highlight specific locations or points of interest, guiding users to key areas or destinations.



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Rich media embed module



Dive deeper into multimedia engagement by seamlessly weaving rich media content directly into your digital landscape.

The Rich Media Embed Module invites your audience into a multimedia journey, enhancing content depth and interactive engagement.

Component details:

Versatile integration
  • Flexibly embed a diverse range of media platforms, be it audio from SoundCloud or Spotify, or any other rich media that supports an embed feature.
Unified playback experience
  • No need to redirect users or rely on third-party platforms; listeners and viewers can interact with content directly on your site.
Optimized performance
  • Ensures smooth media playback, elevating user experience without compromising site speed or responsiveness.
Authentic presentation
  • Embeds retain the original look and feel of the respective social media platform, preserving the authenticity of each post.



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Functional tool embed module



Dive deeper into multimedia engagement by seamlessly weaving functional tool embeds directly into your website.

The Functional Tool Embed Module invites your audience connect with you instantly, enhancing engagement and assisting drive conversions.

Component details:

Broad compatibility
  • Seamlessly hosts a variety of third-party tools like Calendly for appointments and Typeform for interactive forms.
User-Centric integration
  • Embed tools that offer real-time solutions to user needs, from scheduling meetings to collecting feedback.
Smooth User Experience
  • Tools are embedded to ensure a native feel, minimizing redirections and offering a cohesive browsing journey.
Authentic presentation
  • Embeds retain the original look and feel of the respective social media platform, preserving the authenticity of each post.



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Feature button with hyperlink module

Instantly guide your users to targeted content or actions with a prominently showcased button, combining aesthetics with functionality.

The Feature Button Display Module is your direct channel to influence user actions via a visually strong CTA hyperlink button

Component details:

Prominent display
  • Ensure your call-to-action stands out and grabs attention, leading to higher user engagement..
Hyperlink flexibility
  • Easily link to internal pages, external websites, downloadable content, or any web-based resource to effectively guide user navigation.
Customizable design
  • In the Driver website design phase, adapt the button’s color, size, shape, and font to align with your website’s branding and design language.
Hover effect
  • Dynamic effect upon mouse-over to further highlight the button and encourage clicks.
Responsive behavior
  • Optimized for various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience across platforms.



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Footnote display

Provide credible references and essential context directly within your content, elevating its trustworthiness and depth with the Footnote Display.

With the Footnote Display Module, underscore the accuracy and thoroughness of your content, building confidence and credibility among your audience.

Component details:

Seamless integration with organized display
  • Reference footnotes without disrupting the content flow, ensuring a smooth reading experience.
  • Footnotes ate positioned at the base of the page, maintaining content clarity and avoiding clutter.
Cohesive design
  • Footnote font size is specifically designed to distinguish it from main content while still keeping a cohesive design.
  • Core styling options (Bold, Italics, Bulleted and Numbered Lists) exist to further style and present footnote content.
Hyperlink capability
  • Link footnotes to external sources or documents, offering readers the opportunity for deeper exploration and verification.



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Enrich user engagement by seamlessly guiding them to additional, relevant content within your platform, ensuring they dive deeper into your offerings.

The Related Content Cards Module is a strategic tool to amplify user retention, foster extended browsing, and highlight the breadth of your content.

Component details:

Handpicked relevance
  • The two Related Content Cards are handpicked from other Pages within the WordPress CMS.
  • Present up to 2 handpicked content pages, enabling a focused and strategic content direction for your users.
Dynamic content display
  • The Related Content cards dynamically display the following elements from the handpicked pages:
    • Thumbnail Image
    • Page Title
    • Page Excerpt
    • A direct Hyperlink (with rollover effect), guiding users to explore the content further



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View the Driver Flexible Content website template in action, & witness firsthand how it can enhance your online presence; it's designed for intuitive & engaging information delivery that drives conversion.

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