Available in the following Driver version:  

The Contact Page with enquiry form website template not only presents your essential information, but also drives engagement & connection.

Driver’s Contact Page Template is tailored with a blend of versatility and specificity in mind.

From the Hero Header that sets the stage to the Enquiries Form, every element is designed to enhance the user experience. A Feature Content Card allows for promotion of a related topic, while the Google Map Embed provides a visual touchpoint for visitors looking to locate you.

On top of these, with content modules like the Video Embed, Rich Media Embed, and Functional Embed, you have the flexibility to incorporate diverse media and tools, making your contact page not just a point of communication but an extension of your brand narrative.

Ensure every visitor’s query, be it in the form of a form submission, a direct email, or a phone call, finds its way to you with ease and style.

Hero header strip

Set the stage for meaningful interactions with your audience. Begin with a striking Page Title that captures attention and encapsulates your core message. Complement this with a custom hero image that powerfully showcases your brand and underlines the content’s core essence.

Component details:

Tailored Page Title for optimal impact
  • Within the CMS, craft both custom display page and SEO titles.
  • This balance ensures that your branding aligns with your marketing strategies and SEO goals, offering a dual advantage of resonating with the audience and improving search engine visibility.
Custom hero Video or Imagery
  • Within the CMS, embrace the power of visual storytelling with the option to showcase a custom hero video or photographic image, fostering a deeper connection with visitors.
Intuitive Breadcrumb navigation
  • Ensure users can trace their steps effortlessly.
  • A dynamic breadcrumb trail is smartly positioned below the page title, enhancing user navigation.



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Flexible Content modules

Designed for versatility and tailored presentation, Driver offers a wide range of modules to best meet your content needs.

Options include:

  • Hero Header Strip
    • Set the tone with a compelling lead-in.
  • Full Set of Text Styles
    • Design effective content presentation with diverse typography options.
  • Bulleted & Numbered Lists
    • Organize information clearly and efficiently.
  • Photographic Image Carousel
    • Showcase a series of images interactively.
  • Photographic Image Module
    • Highlight impactful images.
  • Video Embed
    • Integrate videos to enhance content richness.
  • Feature Content Cards
    • Promote key internal or external content.
  • Call to Action ’50/50′ Strip
    • Drive user actions with balanced visuals and text.
  • Logo Module
    • Display client, supplier, or certification logos for trust-building.
  • Testimonial Module
    • Showcase client feedback and success stories.
  • FAQ Content Module
    • Answer commonly asked questions interactively.
  • Table Module
    • Present data and information in structured formats.
  • Social Media Embed
    • Integrate content from popular social platforms.
  • Rich Media Embed
    • Incorporate diverse media from platforms like Spotify and Soundcloud.
  • Functional Embed
    • Integrate tools like Calendly or Typeform for added functionality.
  • Feature Button Display
    • Direct users with clickable buttons, linked internally or externally.



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Enquiries Form

Based on leading conversion research, the form is designed for user convenience & optimal lead capture.

It includes:

Essential data fields
  • User’s Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Message field
Success Message
  • Reassure users upon successful form submission.



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Contact Details & Feature Content cards

Provide visitors with essential contact information, and promote pivotal content or actions.

Component details:

Contact Details card
  • Heading & Description
    • Via content management in the CMS, you are able to present your contact information effectively.
  • Address field
    • Direct users to your physical location.
  • Phone field
    • Offer direct communication via telephone.
  • Email address field
    • Offer direct communication via your main contact email address.
  • Opening times
    • Flexible display of opening times across different days of the week
Feature Content card
  • Thumbnail Image
    • Provides a visual representation of the content.
  • Title & Description
    • Succinctly convey the content’s essence.
  • Hyperlink
    • Guide users to internal or external pages.



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Google Map embed

Effortlessly guide visitors to your location.

Component details:

Heading & Description fields
  • Offer context to the displayed location.
Map Embed field
  • Visually represent and pinpoint your physical address.



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Related Content Cards” is an optional feature that users can choose to display at the bottom of a webpage.

This feature allows the selection of two hand-picked pages from within the website to be showcased as content cards.

Each content card will dynamically display the following components:

Content title:
  • The title of the selected page will be automatically displayed on the card.
  • A brief snippet or summary of the selected page will be automatically displayed on the card.
Thumbnail Image:
  • The designated thumbnail image of the selected page will be automatically displayed on the card.
  • A direct link to the selected page will be automatically displayed on the card.

This feature provides an efficient way to highlight related content and encourage users to explore more pages on the website.



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