Available in the following Driver version:   ✅ JAM-PACKED

The Blog / News Index website template elevates your latest information content. 

Powered by Algolia for lightning-fast category filtering, it’s designed for ease and elegance. The Blog Index layout ensures your articles are not only easily accessible but also presented with flair.

This structured approach offers a coherent and user-friendly experience, ensuring readers can easily navigate, filter, and access blog content, driving deeper engagement and time spent on the platform.

The Blog / News Index template consists of the following components:

Hero header strip

Set the stage for meaningful interactions with your audience. Begin with a striking Page Title that captures attention and encapsulates your core message. Complement this with a custom hero image that powerfully showcases your brand and underlines the content’s core essence.

Component details:

Tailored Page Title for optimal impact
  • Within the CMS, craft both custom display page and SEO titles.
  • This balance ensures that your branding aligns with your marketing strategies and SEO goals, offering a dual advantage of resonating with the audience and improving search engine visibility.
Custom hero Video or imagery
  • Within the CMS, embrace the power of visual storytelling with the option to showcase a custom hero video or photographic image, fostering a deeper connection with visitors.
Intuitive Breadcrumb navigation
  • Ensure users can trace their steps effortlessly.
  • A dynamic breadcrumb trail is smartly positioned below the page title, enhancing user navigation.



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Blog category filtering

Component details:

Dynamic Blog Category Filtering using Algolia
  • Create custom categories within the CMS to organize your articles.
  • Instantly display articles based on category selections, thanks to the integrated Algolia technology.
  • Facilitates an intuitive and quick filtering experience for users, ensuring they find relevant content with ease.



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Feature post display

Component details:

Highlighted Feature Post display
  • By default, the freshest blog article takes the spotlight on the Index screen. However, if a specific article needs to be highlighted, this setting can be manually overridden in the CMS.
  • This ensures essential or timely content isn’t missed, providing an emphasis on priority articles for visitors.



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Dynamic blog article cards

Component details:

Dynamic display of latest blog/news articles
  • The Blog Index template is designed to automatically populate and display all blog articles from the Posts content type within WordPress CMS, organized by the latest publish date.
  • The blog post index card format includes:
    • Feature Image: Vividly captures the essence of the article.
    • Article Title: Directly communicates the core topic to the audience.
    • Excerpt Description: Offers a sneak peek into the content, enticing readers to delve deeper.
    • Article Hyperlink: Provides direct access to the full article, facilitating seamless navigation.
    • Article Categories: Organizes content under distinct themes or subjects, guiding readers to areas of their interest.



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View the Driver Blog / News Index website template in action, & witness firsthand how it can enhance your online presence; it's designed for intuitive & engaging information delivery that drives conversion.

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