Available in the following Driver version:  

The Driver Homepage website template is meticulously crafted to align with the best practices in web conversion strategy. 

Any content elements not required can simply be left blank within the WordPress CMS, ensuring a flexible, clean and uncluttered appearance. Additionally, any adjustments to the positioning of these elements can be precisely defined during the Strategy phase, allowing for a customized and targeted user experience.

The Homepage template consists of the following components:

  1. Hero Header strip
  2. Benefits strip
  3. Call to Action ‘50/50’ strip
  4. Testimonial strip
  5. Latest Blog / News information strip
  6. Client / Supplier / Certification logos
  7. Call to Action ‘full width’ strip
  8. Video strip


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Hero Header strip

Layout Option 1: Full-width background image

Layout Option 2: 50% width image

Layout Option 3: Centred text above image

Enhance your online engagement through the ability to integrate a captivating tagline to grab attention, a resonant byline to further describe & define your message, stunning custom hero image or video to visualize your brand, & two strategically placed CTA buttons designed to boost conversion & streamline user navigation.

Component details:

Tagline / feature Marketing Message
  • Text within this element is editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving it blank will automatically prevent it from being displayed on the site.
  • Text within this element is editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving it blank will automatically prevent it from being displayed on the site.
Call to Action (CTA) buttons x 2
  • You have the flexibility to add up to 2 different CTA buttons in the hero header section, with all text and hyperlinks for these buttons being fully editable within the WordPress CMS.
  • Simply leaving either of these elements blank in the CMS will automatically prevent them from being displayed on the site.
Custom hero image or video
  • In the CMS, you have the option to display either a custom hero image or a short, looping video, allowing for a more personalized and engaging visual experience.


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Benefits strip

An essential rule in crafting web content that is effective is to prioritize the benefits your product or service provides. Prospective customers visit your site seeking solutions, so highlighting how your product or service can meet their needs first and foremost is imperative.

Component details:

Benefits headline copy
  • Text within this element is editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving it blank will automatically prevent it from being displayed on the site.
Benefits description copy
  • Text within this element is editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving it blank will automatically prevent it from being displayed on the site.
Benefits cards
  • Card content options include:
    • Image
    • Title
    • Description
    • Hyperlink to either internal or external web page
  • All card content elements are editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving any one of them blank will automatically prevent that specific component from being displayed on the site. Accordingly, the card strip provides enormous content presentation flexibility to best meet your needs.
  • The ability to add multiple rows of cards also exists.
  • The cards are displayed in rows of three on a desktop screen width, with additional rows automatically added based on the number of cards created, and will stack responsively on smaller screens.


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Call to Action ‘50/50’ strip

The versatile Call to Action ’50/50′ strip is more than just a content feature; it’s designed for strong engagement that drives action.

With options for incorporating a featured video or image and carefully crafted text sections, it empowers you to create highly visual and impactful content presentations. You can tailor it for your specific needs, knowing that each element is easily editable to ensure the perfect fit for your audience.

Component details:

  • Card content options include:
    • Video
    • Image
    • Eyebrow text
    • Title
    • Description
    • CTA button with hyperlink to either internal or external web page
  • All card content elements are editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving any one of them blank will automatically prevent that specific component from being displayed on the site. Accordingly, the card strip provides enormous content presentation flexibility to best meet your needs.
  • The ability to position the video or photographic image on either the LHS or RHS exists.
  • The ability to add multiple content items within a carousel format exists.


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Testimonial strip

Showcase the voices of satisfied customers with the adaptable Testimonial strip, a feature that lets you add images, testimonial text, and author titles, all easily editable within the CMS.

With options to include multiple testimonials in a carousel format and hyperlinks to handpicked internal web pages, this tool offers an engaging way to share positive feedback and connect with your audience.

Component details:

  • Content options include:
    • Image
    • Testimonial text
    • Author title
  • Ability to hyperlink to an internal web page.
  • All content elements are editable within the WordPress CMS.
  • The ability to add multiple content items within a carousel format exists.


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Latest Blog / News information strip

Stay current and keep your audience informed with the Latest Blog/News/Information strip, a dynamic feature that automatically displays the latest two blog or news items from within the website.

Including the blog article’s feature image, publish date, title, excerpt, a direct hyperlink to the full article, and category tags, this tool offers a concise and engaging snapshot of your most recent content, connecting readers to what matters most.

The dynamically displayed component details are:

  • Blog / News article thumbnail image
  • Blog / News article publish date
  • Blog / News article title
  • Blog / News article description excerpt
  • Blog / News article category tags
  • Hyperlink to Blog / News article


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Client / Supplier / Certification logos

Highlight your professional affiliations with the Client/Supplier/Certification logos strip, a feature that offers a streamlined way to display key logos to communicate social proof.

All logo images within this element are easily editable within the CMS, and the design accommodates multiple rows that automatically stack in a responsive manner. It’s a sleek and efficient method to showcase your partnerships and credentials, enhancing your credibility with your audience.

Component details:

  • Feature heading text strip.
  • Ability to add multiple rows of logos.
  • Ability to hyperlink each individual logo to either an internal or external web page.


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Call to Action ‘full width’ strip

Like the ’50/50′ strip, the Call to Action ‘full width’ content strip isn’t merely a design element; it’s a powerful tool engineered to foster engagement and inspire action.

With the flexibility to include a prominent video or image and meticulously designed text sections, it offers the freedom to construct visually striking and effective content presentations. Customize it to align with your particular requirements, confident that every component is effortlessly adjustable to achieve the ideal resonance with your audience.

Component details:

  • Card content options include:
    • Video
    • Full width Image
    • Eyebrow text
    • Title
    • Description
    • CTA button with hyperlink to either internal or external web page
  • All card content elements are editable within the WordPress CMS, and simply leaving any one of them blank will automatically prevent that specific component from being displayed on the site. Accordingly, the card strip provides enormous content presentation flexibility to best meet your needs.
  • The ability to add multiple content items within a carousel format exists.


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Video strip

Engage your audience with dynamic visual content using the Video strip, a feature that brings your story to life through seamless YouTube or Vimeo integration.

With editable text items, including the title and description, plus the ability to embed a YouTube or Vimeo video and customize the ‘Cover’ display image all within the CMS, this tool offers an immersive and tailored viewing experience that resonates with your viewers.

Component details:

  • Headline text
  • Description text
  • YouTube or Vimeo video embed
  • Custom video “Cover” display image


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View this Driver Homepage website template in action, & witness firsthand how it can enhance your online presence; it's designed for intuitive & engaging information delivery that drives conversion.

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